First thing first...I'm Back! I know I've been M.I.A so let's just get down to the gritty. Most of you are experiencing a plummet in your mental, physical, and financial lifestyle right now but hunn I'm here to welcome you on this roller coaster ride. For about 4 or 5 months now I've been dealing with all of the things that you are now experiencing. I know how it feels to be up one second and down the next and left contemplating how your going to get yourself out of this hole that life created for you. The whole world is currently living in a time of chaos and confusion and not knowing which way this thing is going to turn out. Like myself many others have been left figuring out where the rent money or car note payment is going to come from for sometime now. Trust me the most high always makes a way. You must keep your faith and know this is all apart of his plan and this too shall pass. It's easier said than done but as long as you believe it everything else will fall into place. Back to the topic at hand it literally feels like 2020 is cut from a scene of the Wizard of OZ. We're all just a Dorothy trying to find our way home back to what we know is real and normal. Covid-19, wild fires, earthquakes, floods, untimely deaths are just a few of the things that we've dealt with so far. Wrap it all up and top it with a black pointed hat and I'd say we have ourselves a wicked witch. Question? How are we going to defeat this witch (replaces w with a B)? My best advice is don't trust anything you see on the news. Proceed with caution when it comes to the government being so openly generous. When it gets rough (believe its going to get worse before it gets better) fight with all you have in you and when it feels like you have nothing left dig deep and pull out that extra stored deep within. Most importantly stop being so damn disgusting. Carry sanitizer with you at all times people. If you sneeze clean those hands before you touch a door handle, touch groceries in the store, or press an elevator button. Stop picking your nose and scratching your behind then hugging people. WHITE PEOPLE wash your hands when you finish using the restroom. I'm not saying other races don't do this but all the years I've been living when I use a public restroom y'all pee, poop, cough and walk right pass the sink on your way out the restroom. Together we all need to respect mother earth because she is not pleased. We also need to start respecting and loving one another. God will be pleased. He is definitely trying to tell us something but it is up to us as a whole to take heed. Well that's all I have for now. My motherly duties call. Please comment below. All opinions and suggestions are welcomed. Always remember here we offer enlightenment, encouragement, and most importantly empowerment!
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